American Concrete Company – formerly known as American Concrete Cutting, is licensed in all of the Western United States. Specifically, Alaska, Washington, Oregon, California, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Nevada, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico. One service that we perform far and wide, is saw cut texturing. Commonly knows as grooving. There are various specifications for each DOT, FAA and US Department of highway. American Concrete has the ability to groove all of your surfaces, to each one\’s specific specification. As many folks know, California (Caltrans) recently adopted changes to texturing bridge decks, via a change in the Standard specifications. Please call about your specific project, and we will be happy to schedule the work or provide you a price for the work. And on new bridge deck\’s that require some corrective bump grinding, we perform that too. Please let us know in advance, and we can often utilize some of the same people for the saw texturing, and slurry collection.